Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Since there is only one room in which we can put our ghetto-modified AC unit, Carrie and I have decided to take a different tack in regards to the being-in-the-house-during-the-hot-ass-late-afternoons thing; we aren't.

We turn the AC off during the days when we aren't there, and we leave the bathroom door open Axia so that she has a cool place to lay down in when it gets too hot. When we come back home, we turn the AC on in the back room, and close the door partially so that the dog has the option of hanging out. We then leave. Yesterday, when we came back from a dinner at Subway and a movie, we were pleasantly jazzed to find out that the back room wasz nice and chilly, and pretty much spent the rest of the evening back there.

I don't foresee us spending too much time in the house this week, since the temperatures are supposed to be in the 90's until Friday.


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