Saturday, July 25, 2009

Ghetto AC

Upon hearing that it would be getting into the upper eighties - upper nineties over the next few days, Carrie and I splurged a bit and bought an window AC unit. since we live in an older house, and only a few of  the windows are wider than 21", we had to settle on the most powerful smaller unit that we could find.

We went scouring Lowes, Target and Best Buy late last evening in  the hopes of finding an AC unit that wasn't too expensive, yet would suit our needs. We finally found one at Home Depot - one of  the last ones available. Most homes in Seattle aren't equipped with AC units, so there was a rush on them upon notice of hotter weather.

We finally installed it today, but had to make several modifications in order to make sure that little of the precious conditioned air would leak to the outside. We'll be upgrading to corrugated plastic sheeting!
From [~neverland~]

We also had to make sure that the unit itself would stay in the window. We will be upgrading to a 2x4 in the near future :)

From [~neverland~]

It works - kinda. After about an hour of operation, we noticed that the back rooms were cooler, while the front rooms were simply tolerable. A marked improvement over the sweltering days in the past that we spent in our living room!


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