Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Five observations about the reunion

  1. The people who were more inclined to talk to me were the ones that I knew from Middle School onwards.

  2. I’m still pretty much a non-event as far as gatherings go. Given the fact that, as a JW kid, I wasn’t afforded the opportunity to hang out with the other kids after school, and that I’m currently 2,400 miles away, I’m not that surprised.

  3. Evidently, either I wasn’t as much of a brat as I thought I was in school, or time does indeed change memories. In either case, I’m glad that the people who I did get a chance to talk to had generally good memories about me.

  4. While at one time I would have thought that people dancing to eighties music were dating themselves, we seem to have hit upon the perfect time in American culture when what was old is in again, so now - we're on the cutting edge baby!

  5. Twenty years ago = four Long Island Ice Teas.  Now - I suck down the first, halfheartedly sip on half the second, and push it away. Man, I'm a cheap date :)

In any case, I had a good time at the reunion, and I'm looking forward to going again - if not for the 25th, than the 30th.

1 comment:

Kat said...

In many ways I am glad I have been spared the torture of a high school reunion. On the other hand an old pals reunion might be a fun spin.