Friday, December 4, 2009

Why don't I just come out and say it?

Some of you may be wondering why I choose to post the latest news regarding the pregnancy and kids on my blog than posting it straight to Facebook (if you are being directed to here from there) or email (likewise). The answer is simple, but it may be a little off-putting to people.

In my life, I've gotten to know - with varying degrees of familiarity and intimacy - lots of discrete individuals. Many - even within my family - are just acquaintances, some are genuine friends. I (understandably, in my mind at least) prefer to share the deeper details of my life with the latter. Believe it or not, I really don't want just anyone to know that much about the comings and goings of my own life.

Yet, in setting the bar above which friends leap and below which acquaintances slide easily, I do realize that it's not only my own estimation of the intrinsic value of my relationship to another that counts - it's the happy intersection between that and the estimation of the reverse as held by the other that determines the whole.  In more germane terms - I can put the details about my life out there - but how willing are people to actively seek them out, given an easy trail to follow?

Hence - my blogging about the pregnancy, and other issues.  I'm more than willing to let others know what is going on, and invite them continually into my circle of friends. Whether or not they take a step forward on their own, and follow the links (or, even better, elect to either subscribe to or follow this blog) is another matter entirely.

Ahora descienden de mi caja de jabón de.

1 comment:

Kat said...

Yes, being really connected to others, in this day and age of a million ways to connect to people, is truly an effort. One worth making, but an effort just the same.