Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Update 8 December 2009

Long story short: Carrie is back in the hospital.

After spending three days here on the home-version of bedrest, we went in for an ultrasound this morning in the hopes that, at the very least, nothing had changed, or (even better), her cervix length had increased. Sadly, what was revealed to us instead is that the cervix length had shortened to below what the doctors consider to be the acceptable minimum length. She was admitted into the hospital almost immediately, and, judging from the language that the healthcare professionals are using, she'll be at Swedish for the duration, most likely until she hits the 35 week mark.

The good news is that the kids are okay; the bad news is that she won't be here with me.


Kat said...


We are sorry to hear about this set back. Although, I am certain it is hard for you to be apart, the important thing is the health of your little darlings. I was wondering how far along Carrie is now?

I hope we can be of encouragement to you by saying that we did this route with 2 babies who were both delivered safe and healthy. One at 36 weeks and the other at 37 and only one required extended hospitalization and then just for one week.

Prayers and love to all of you!


Kat said...


We are sorry to hear about this set back. Although, I am certain it is hard for you to be apart, the important thing is the health of your little darlings. I was wondering how far along Carrie is now?

I hope we can be of encouragement to you by saying that we did this route with 2 babies who were both delivered safe and healthy. One at 36 weeks and the other at 37 and only one required extended hospitalization and then just for one week.

Prayers and love to all of you!


C.A. Cubed said...


Thank you for your kind words. She's at 25 weeks now. The OB's have been bending over backwards to point out that they've seen worse cases carry to term and beyond, so we're both very hopeful!

CJB said...


I'm really sorry to hear about this. At least now Carries will receive care that will hopefully benefit her and the babies. You and Carrie are in my thoughts and prayers. I really hope for the best, for Carrie, for the twins, and for you.


Kris said...

WOW.. 10 weeks of hospital bedrest... Tell Carrie my thoughts are with her and the sweet babies she is doing this all for. I'm sorry you will have a quiet house for awhile. But after the babes come home a quiet house will be a thing of the past. Does Carrie like puzzles or video games? Buy her a DSi for X-mas... I love mine... When I'm bored it gives me something to do besides whatch t.v.
Take care of the family... I will send all my possitive thoughts your way...

Anonymous said...

WOW... ten weeks of bedrest in a hospital... Tell Carrie I will be thinking of her and two little ones that she is doing all this for. With all this they will appreciated and loved even more(if that's possible) when you get to hold them.. I sorry you will have to be in a quiet house for now... After the babes are here a quiet house will a thing of the past... Does Carrie like puzzles and/or video games... Get her a DSi for X-

C.A. Cubed said...

Carter - Thanks, it means a lot to me that you and Raquel are thinking of us.

Kris - Than you very much! Carrie already has a DS with plenty of games - I'll let her know that you are thinking of her!