Friday, January 9, 2009

New Years Resolutions

1 - Study two of the languages that I have been picking up over the years. Over the years, I've picked up an impressive bit of French, Italian, Spanish and German -so why not dig down and get to know at least two of them? I'm pretty comfortable with French, and I actually had a lot of fun with Spanish in Argentina, so those two seem to be the best candidates

2 - Work out three times a week

This may sound trite, but this is my attempt at spending less time working on my wonderful body, and more time doing other things!

3 - Expand my Social Circle

I'm a pretty sociable person, but I really don't have that many friends. Honestly.

4 - Finish the myriad of Java programming projects that I have started

I'll be tracking these on my other blog at But, they are:

  1. Common

  2. Session

  3. BasicDataType

  4. AuditLog

  5. DataBaseGateWay

5 - Read at least 1 book a month

This one is already started! :)

6 - Work on my health

Well, what's a guy with MS supposed to do...but I gotta take this more seriously.

7 - Write the great Charlie novel

I've a couple of cool ideas. Choose one (<-- purely a note to self).

8 - ...

I know that there is another one, but I'm forgetting it...

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