Friday, January 9, 2009


Okay, so I forgot to mention...

Carrie (my wife) and I have an arrangement - we each have eight New Years' goals and collectively we have eight goals. If we make progress on 1/2 of our own goals for any given month, we get an additional $50 at the beginning of the month; if we make progress on 1/2 of our collective goal, then we each get another $50.

Sweet, eh?

So, here is what I have done so far:
1 - Finished documenting and testing 4 out of the 5 Java projects that I have been working on. Next step - pubishing!
2 - Read 1 book. Just a throwaway, nothing important.
3 - Joined two meetup groups - French Language and Coffee Lovers
4 - Did one session on the WiiFit, I walked home one day (3.5 miles in 43 minutes! Some of it uphill!), and I'll get a good session in this weekend....

And it's just the beginning of January! Insert vision of Dancing Dollars here...

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