Thursday, July 15, 2010

Life is too short...

...for mediocre espresso shots.

In the mornings (and sometimes in the afternoon), my drink of choice is usually a quad vanilla espresso. I used to get very dry quad vanilla cappucinos, but few and far between was the barista who could either pull the shots correctly, or (more often) get what the 'very dry' part of my drink order meant.

These days, however, I am finding that fewer and fewer baristas are even attempting to pull the 4 shots needed for my quad vanilla espresso correctly. There seems to be this popularly held misconception that pulling a shot of espresso means filling a shot glass to the line with espresso; it does not. A good shot will be about two-thirds crema and one third coffee:

Usually, though, I prefer my shots to be pulled short, that is, stopped well before the crema forms, meaning that I should only be getting about an ounce. Too many places pull the shots long, and don't pack thier coffee sufficiently - or they use the wrong beans - so that no crema forms.

There are places that I frequent that "get it", and others that don't. In the former group:

  • Trabant (I go to their downtown location)
  • Victrola (Beacon Hill)
  • Empire Espresso
  • Vivace (Both the one in Capitol Hill and the one in Cascade)
  • Caffe Bella


  • The Station (Louis makes a good quad vanilla cappucino)
  • Columbia City Bakery (I can get a good quad vanilla espresso from them, but only a fair quad shot)

And, finally, the ones who don't:

  • Starbucks (No surprise there)
  • Cherry Street Espresso (The one barista who pulled decent shots at the Mueseum location no longer works there)
  • Motore (They used to pull good shots, but the last few times that I've been there I've noticed a definite downhill slide in shot quality)

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