Yesterday, we passed a pretty signifigant milestone - and we get to pass another one next week!
Normal pregnancies are said to last 40 weeks; however, since Carrie is having twins, two weeks are deducted from that figure since carrying around two good-sized babies presents a risk to the mother, and babies can be born that early anyway (normally) without complications.
So - yesterday, we broke the "Ten weeks remaining" mark, and passed 29 weeks, which means - nine weeks to go, at the most!
This has been a hard and stressful time for Carrie. She's been in and out of the hospital, and has had to accept significant changes to what she had previously depended upon as being her daily routine and normal surroundings.
But - even more importantly - we can't wait to see our two beautiful baby boys! Before too long (and it could be as close as five more weeks), we'll get to hold them in our arms - two squealing, cooing, crying humans who will be forever linked to and loved by the two of us.
In case you are wondering about the title, when I was in the Navy, some of my shipmates (particularly if we were stationed at a horrible posting or they were getting close to either retiring or getting out) would eagerly count down the number of days they had until they were able to leave. When that number was less than ten, they would refer to themselves as being a "Single Digit Midget".
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