Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I - WillNot - Get - Sick...!

<Delivered in the belabored tones of Will Shatner>

I first discovered that my throat was sore the day before yesterday. Given that I usually develop mild flu-like symptoms if I don't get enough water to drink, I proceeded to down a glass of water, and went to bed, considering the problem t0 be solved.

However, the next morning, I woke up, and discovered that not only did I have a sore throat (still), but now, I had a lingering headache, and a stuffy head to boot.

Red Alert! Action Stations!

My surefire recipe for getting rid of minor crappy headcolds...

  1. Drink water. Lots of water. Fill up a one liter bottle, and make sure that it's gone by the end of the day.

  2. Airborne, or any of those Vitamin-C tablets. Fill up a separate glass with water, dissolve the tablet, drink. Repeat.

  3. Orange Juice. Drink two 450 ml containers.

  4. Asprin. Take two, one in  the morning, one in the afternoon.

I've been following this recipe for ythe past two days now, and I feel a hell of a lot better. I'll be doing this  tomorrow so that I'll be in prime shape for my trip on Friday.

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