Monday, January 26, 2009

Catharsis is as Catharsis does

Carrie and I took the opportunity this past weekend to get rid of a bunch of photos that we had collected over the years. On the whole, it was a pretty emotional experience - at one point in time, some of the people in the pictures had played a pretty pivotal role in helping to shape who we were as people at the time - which, in turn, has played a pivotal role in shaping who we are as individuals now. So how long are we as individuals obligated to acknowledge the role that person played in shaping our lives?

Perhaps the answer cannot always be communicated objectively, but I feel that once a person's actions and presence no longer influence your being, even to the most infetismal degree, you are no longer beholden to the active memory of that individual. This does not in any way mean "Out of sight, out of mind"; far from it, the memories of loved ones both alive and deceased influence our lives to a degree that cannot be described. But I do happen to think that holding onto the physical manifestations of memories of indivuduals who no longer influence your life - willingly or no - is excessive, especially when the chances of that person once again taking an active part in your life are slender.

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